Flat Price Broker

Flat Price Agents 

Flat Price Broker –
William C. Sturman
TREC #0188288
TALCB #1320690

We love agents that understand that listing homes for discount prices affords them opportunities. Flat Price Broker invites TREC licensed agents to become Flat Price Agents. We offer a generous fee split, competent training, and the opportunity to progress both professionally and personally. All TREC licensed agents are invited to apply. We also encourage license trainees attend our sales meetings.

Agents agree to follow the rules established for the brokerage. These rules help outline the tasks and services that agents learn to perform as they progress. We provide ample training and progressive assignments to help build the agent’s competence and professionalism.

Flat Price Broker may amend services to suit customer’s specific needs. Covid-19 concerns have restricted certain activities and eliminated others. We require adherence to CDC protocols regarding social distancing, recommendation for masks, and following sanitary considerations concerning the touching of doorknobs or surfaces in homes we are showing or visiting. Flat Price Broker places our client’s interests first in providing safe and effective methods of communication and interaction. We perform many services online including document preparations and digital signatures. 

Licensed real estate Sales agents sponsored include: