Flat Price Broker

About Flat Price Broker

To tell a little more about Flat Price Broker is to discover how the flat-rate listing concept developed. The idea evolved over a forty-year career as an appraiser and broker. Time and again, the agent’s marketing approach was the same, no matter the price of the home. The flat rate fee idea in listing property is not new, but is now growing in popularity. Technology is pushing marketing from traditional brick-and-mortar offices to online virtual tours and transactions. Buyers are now locating properties they want to visit themselves through search engines such as Zillow, Realtor.com, and Trulia. No matter how you look at it, flat rate services are becoming more popular. Consult with a broker near Aransas County, TX to find out more.

This revolution in real estate marketing has left some agents behind, and many others rolling up their sleeves. Knowledge beyond ordinary real estate transactional services is now sought by many buyers. These services might include pre-loan qualification and credit strengthening, or tax implications for clients. Tasks beyond the typical CMA’s now extend to such activities as property staging or property tax protests. Newspaper and magazine real estate ads are still available, but why pay for an ad that might never be seen? There are only so many cost-effective ways to market your home, and the flat price listing concept fits the bill. This simple fact about Flat Price Broker gives homeowners the knowledge they need to know. We provide exactly the services needed to achieve an acceptable sale, based on your property and your specific needs.

Cooperation between agents and agencies has always been an important part of bringing buyers and sellers together. In fact, it is the reason the MLS was created. This is why Flat Price Broker always suggests our sellers match the normal commissions offered to cooperating agents. This ensures your Rockport, TX property receives the full attention it deserves from other agents. The buyer’s agent commission is also a negotiable consideration that we discuss with all our wonderful home sellers. To find out more about Flat Price Broker’s innovative listing plans, contact us HERE.